
A Decade In The Life of Ross Renwick

Words by Bruce Usher

A Decade In The Life of Ross Renwick

Where: Windyridge, 50 Sunrise Road, Palm Beach

“Ross told me this yarn in 1986 … it occurred some time around 1965: “Ross was sitting out the front with a mate, when there was a knock on the back door. Sick of the endless parade of uninvited guests, they immediately hid in one of the wardrobes. Having no shame, two young women came through the house to the front balcony, took some beers from the fridge, sat down to enjoy the view and await the arrival of the residents.

“Ross and friend tossed up whether to come out or not. They stayed, figuring the girls would go soon, and that it would look a bit strange anyway. The girls had another beer. Ross and friend became more uncomfortable. More beer, more discomfort. The girls discussed how they fancied Ross, and drank more beer. After two hours, they left, leaving two sore and sorry men to ponder a lost opportunity.

One of the girls was the very young and beautiful Olivia Newton-John.”

Original article (pdf)