Olivia Gets Physical Again!

At nearly 40, Olivia Newton- John has never been fitter in her life and with good reason, too. For, as well as cutting a comeback album, running a growing Koala Blue business empire and caring for an energetic toddler, Olivia has also made her debut as a screen writer. It’s a gruelling schedule that means she’s had to “get physical” again. And that means pulse-racing workouts in her private gym, stamina-building tennis sessions and long, hard rides on her favorite horses on her Malibu ranch overlooking the Pacific Ocean.

The animal-crowded ranch was recently remodelled at a cost of millions of dollars, which means Olivia’s even had to find time to supervise the redecorating as well. Olivia is also watching her diet. She does much of the cooking for her family, husband Matt Lattanzi and daughter Chloe. But it’s not just physical stamina that Olivia has been concentrating on. She’s been building up her creative energy, too primarily to write most of the new songs on her latest album. And, according to the Aussie superstar, we will be seeing something very different from her previous hits when the album is released early next year. “Since having Chloe I’ve changed a lot,” she says. “I’ve grown as a woman, a mother and a wife. I’ve always made my songs personal, reflecting what has affected my life, and you can expect some of that. Previous albums have had one or two of my songs. This will have many more.”

Olivia has blossomed, both personally and professionally, since she arrived in California as a raw, young, unknown entertainer. “She’s got an incredible workload,” says a close friend. “Her secret is that she is very well organised. But, although she works so hard, she never gets exhausted because she really is so fit. “Olivia doesn’t go in for socialising. She would much rather stay home with her family. Or she prefers to apply her time to her creativity, which is wonderful, because she just has so much talent.”