Type: Series
first airdate: 23 July 2008
broadcaster: Logo
Duration: 30m weekly

This series, made for "Logo", a gay and lesbian cable television channel in the US, is a prequel to the 1999 independent movie, which was based on the Del Shores' play.

Olivia will reprise her role of singer Bitsy Mae Harling.

New songs from Olivia and Amy Sky will appear in the show. Amy appears as a backup singer/keyboard player.

Some of the people shown in the photos with Olivia are:

Del Shores (creator, writer, director)
Jason Dottley (actor)
Rue McClanahan (actress)
Rona Newton-John

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"So cute, she is such a generous person. We work Saturday 12 hours recording. Sunday she comes in early, has her make up done and her cool little hat, brings in HER camera and wants to take picture with us....then we were allowed to take pictures with our camera.. Then we worked 12 more 12 hours. Then she was up on set Monday morning at 5:30 am to film the songs on set for the show. We were hired to shoot the EPK footage that day. We were rapped at 9:30pm that night and she was still working.

I am the same age as Olivia, and a life long admirer. I had two great fears when I we were assigned the job, one I would screw up on my end, the other she would be some peppery diva and I would lose my 40 years of admiration. I was amazed and overwhelmed to find her twice as nice and generous as my best expectations. Olivia & Amy Sky were very kind to our backwater studio staff and patient with our knee shaking learning curve.

We have recorded stars and famous folk .... that was a such a pleasant life affirming event. I have sat and thought and I can't think of anyone that could top that event in my life...Well, that's enough gushing, I am glad her knee is better and she's happy."

{"The 'knee thing' was her Great Dane (actually her Irish Setter, Jack - MJ) ran into her and cause a hairline fracture in her knee, it was better at the studio but flared up a few days later. This was January and she had the Great Wall walk coming up and was worried about that slowing her down.")

thanks to Dana McCommon of Fairfield Studios for the background snippet

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